Selidji's Pages

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A rough day

Hi Everyone,
Today was very very rough day. Lately, during the day, Yemi only wants to sleep in my hands. As soon as he falls asleep and you lay him he wakes up almost instantly. Believe me I  would really LOVE to hold him, and rock him, and dandle(just discovered a new verb) him all day but it is just not possible. So today Ola and I decided to let him actually sleep in his crib. After I rocked him, I put him in his crib and as expected he woke up almost immediately.So we let Yemi cry and cry he did. Yemi cried and cried and finally fell asleep. I wanted to pick him up, I really did but I couldn't. My heart was aching, I kept going back in the room to check on him, give him his pacifier and reassure him. Finally I left the house.

Here he is asleep:

Before the nap,sooooooooooo cute

So while I was driving I though about my relationship with God. I wondered all the time when God was trying to teach me a lesson, all the times when I was crying out to him for a particular reason and he was letting me "cry". Sometimes, as much as you love someone you have to be strict for the greater good. If every single time I  had cried out to God he had given in so quickly I would have never learned all that I know about him. For example, if you ask God for patience, he will put you in situations where patience will be required so that you can learn to be patient. And I know that as parents Ola and I will have to take decisions that our children will not always agree with but that is the reason why we are the parents and they are our children. We need to make decisions that are best for them.

Anyway, on on fun note today my friend Ruth who is currently staying with us at home cooked one of my favorite food from back home call "ablo". I had not had it in such a long time and it was oh so good. Ruth is an excellent cook and I mean EXCELLENT. you name it she she can cook it and she loves doing it. She has been such a blessing to our family and I am very very grateful to her.

Here is the picture of "ablo". So Yummy....

Ok that's all for today. And always remember that each day that you have where you are healthy and surrounded by the people you love is truly a gift.

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